Montag, 7. März 2011


So, woke up around noon as I said, went out with the dogs and back to bed again with some food and tv =D I think I had to much wine, I use to feel it after the 2nd one, the 5th is like..too late xD But I had 4 and didn't feel anything! After my 6th though.. oh I tell ya.. :P

In the afternoon I could finally get my lazy self out of bed and went to Stenbergs. Didn't do much though, it got worse with beeing tired there haha, so we were just hanging there. Becca and Tobbe went home to their mother for pizza then, so Greger and I decided to do the same, went to the pizzeria and had way too much food, and I was finally kinda awake but after that.. xD

So back home I directly went to bed again *lol. Didn't sleep though ;) fixed the cards for our hapkido club, was actually looking forward to have a cup of tea with johanna but ok, next time :P

Was a relaxed evening infront of the tv. Did I say that its lovely outside? Sunshine every day, between -2° and 7°, the snow will be gone soon I think (well, I hope) and then its time for spring, time to walk in flip flops or barefoot, me like =) At least I can have my favorite gloves, you can open them so time to show some nails =D No, its just easier to "work" like this or eat or whatever and if its too cold you can just pull the other part over it and ta-dah =)

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