Had some chats about that topic and time to think about it a bit.
The tre importat things in a relationship are honesty, faith and time. Thats true, you actually dont need more, the rest comes with the time but these three things are the basics, the „must haves“ so to say.
If you cannot trust your partner, where is the point of being together then? You'll always suspect that you partner is doing something different then they told you they're doing. In the end you'll just get pissed about something thats probably not true, it's probably not even close to that. Now I'm not only talking about being unfaithful or having a secret or something like that. You even have to be able to trust your partner when they for example say that they'll.. yeah, take care of the bills for example. So you have to be able to trust you partner in many ways, with actually everything. But you even have to be so reliable that you wont give your partner a reason not to trust you.
“If you love someone, give them the option to leave, but never give them a reason to”
Time was a important thing, didn't think so much about it before someone mentioned it. I think its too simple to think about. We probably just expect the other one to have time. It depends a lot on the partners situation. I mean you have a different kind of time when you're a young student and work some times a week or if you're a grown up who's working for a company everyday (or even runs a own company) and maybe got kids as well. I think we really just take time for granted because most of the people always got space somewhere.
Other things that I think are important in a relationship.. Well, I've been through some things and saw some things so a really important thing for me is that you're faithful, if I am in a relationship with someone then I dont want to have anyone beside it, I dont like to share my partner with others and I wouldnt want to be shared if you can say so. Or you have to decide from the beginning what kind of relationship you wanna have, if you decide to have an open relationship than you know it from the beginning. But I wouldn't like that, just as I said, I dont like to share, I'm not egoistic but with that I am. But being faithful is actually a part of being honest and trust each other. You might tell your partner that you were unfaithful? Then you'd at least have a choice, the choice to leave or to stay..
Another important thing is to talk about everything. Its actually all included by trusting each other but I like to specify things, to avoid misunderstandings ;) yeah talk, talk about everything. Talk about things that bother you, like things that your partner did and you're not really happy about it. Dont make decisions by your own, talk with your partner and make decisions together, talk about your feelings, your fears, yeah just everything. There's no need to hide anything, if you're willing to share your life with someone then share your whole life, not just some parts.
“If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best”
thats so true, you cannot only pick the good times, you cannot just leave when things are hard some times, because then you cannot really love some one. Life isn't like a romantic movie where everything is just perfect, neither is love. But if you really found someone who's worth it, then he/she is worth it all time, doesnt matter in what kind of situation they are ..
“Find arms that will hold you at your weakest...Eyes that will see you at your ugliest...
and a heart that will love you at you worst”
Okeeey, now I came more into love as in relationships but love is the main thing about being in a relationship with someone. There's to reason to be together just for.. yeah, other reasons. And I neither think that you have to be together when it doesnt really work anymore, biggest mistake couples do is to stick together because of the kids. Trust me, they feel that mommy and daddy dont love each other anymore, sometimes you make it worse for the kids if you just keep going with your “relationship”.
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