Sonntag, 27. März 2011

movie: match point

Match Point is a melodrama from the UK with Scarlett Johansson (one of my favorite actress) and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (the tudors). He is together with a girl, they are about to get married but he falls in love with the fiance (Scarlett Johansson) of his fiances brother. But they end the relationship so she is out of town for a while then, but they meet again when he is with his wife on an art exhibiton. So they are starting to have an affair again while he and his wife try to get a baby at the same time, doesnt work though.

Now I dont know how much I should tell so I better say for all who wants to see that movie without knowing the end now, STOP READING =D the curious ones can continue ;) 

And of corse the "wrong" one gets pregnant, his affair. She is in love though and he tells her the same thing, and of course he tells her to tell his wife (he already "tried" several weeks). Some day he calles her to tell her that he's got good news and that he'll meet her at her place. But of course, he didnt tell his wife. He's got another plan. The moment she came home he shot her, before that he shot her neighbor, an old lady to make it look like a robbery. After that (drectly after that (!) did he go to the opera with his wife.  A few days later his wife gets pregnant. The police thought it was a robbery but one of them found her diraries where she wrote about him and suspect him to be the murderer.

Can he prove it, or will he just continue with his life, with wife and baby just as if nothing ever happend? Find it out yourself ;)

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