Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

fun fun fun

today I really had the best day at university, no lectures (well ok one this morning, but I woke up too late so I missed it :D ) only "practical" things if you can say so. We had music, art and drama were we actually had fun all the time, especially drama where I couldn't stop laughing with tears in my eyes for 20minutes, I even had to leave the room cause I probably would have died :D all Emmas fault-yes i blame you ;) cause in the end there was actually no reason to laugh about, I just had to look at Emma how she tried not to laugh (don't ask me why, I have no clue what she thought was so funny) and it was just so contagious haha I'm still laughing :-D

So this was the last day at university for this week, tomorrow I'll travel homewards to fix some stuff and then off to germany with our little nissan micra :D but no snow so far at least in härnösand so thats good. On sunday we'll finally visit Frida and the kids again, where I lived when I was in sweden for school 2005/2006 so that will be fun that too :)

On wednesday I'll finally be in germany for my grandparents golden wedding, its on friday so I have time to relax after that trip and then I have to study because I have an exam the monday after :D will be fun- NOT :D

Ok then, now dinner and a movie, lateron I'll skype with my cousin, was a while ago that as well but I'll soon see her on my way back to sweden when we pass berlin :)  yearning ! looking forward to meet my family and some of my friends again, but I will be happy to get back to sweden again just as much as I'm looking forward to germany, cause someone is waiting for me up here :) <3

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010


sorry, very busy at the moment or just too lazy ;-)

this weekend I had (wine marinated) elk steak for the very first time and it was gooood, even if I actually don't like venison :.p unfortunately was this weekend way too short, now I am in Härnösand again to have lectures and then off to germany for grandmas golden wedding :) really looking forward to it, will be fun even if I already miss the people up here :-/

But missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will.. :-)
So, I'll be back soon and time will pass very quickly and I'll enjoy meeting friends and family again :)

Ok then, that was a very short update, now I need some lunch before I'll leave home for university, hope this week will be better than the last one..
See you guys !!

Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

way too much snow..

This morning I woke up, ready to have my last two days at work and guess what I saw looking out the window.. SNOW ! and not just some snow, no we had 30cm new snow..
Instead of shoveling all that snow from the garage up to the street I decided to take the bus, but I still had to walk 20minutes in stormy weather-not that what I really like :-P
Anyway, even the bus was too late so I arrived at school 8.15 where I actually start 8.10 but the kids where also late so no problem, one bus was even stuck in the snow so they arrived around 9am.
  Homewards I was very lucky cause I asked if someone could give me a ride home so slipped waiting for the bus and another 20minutes walk in the deep snow :)

So yeah, my last day at school tomorrow, not really happy it was really fun, today some girls said that I'm the queen of germany haha :-D

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

first snow !! tuesday 12.october

When I went to work this morning the streets where a bit white and when I arrived in norsjö i realized that it was snow cause it was almost everywhere there, but nothing at home, not that far away but still a big difference.. But it was gone by lunchtime and we will see when the snow will come back again.

Better than last year there we had snow in the end of september. Have to say that we had a really nice autumn this year, colourful and sunny so thats nice :)
The temperature is between -3° during the night and around 5°C by day, last week we had up to 10°C but i think this is over now.

Not that I think that anyone really cares about the weather but I can remember then next year cause I always ask myself how it was before and cant remember at all :D maybe I should write it down every day, weather and temperature :D

Montag, 11. Oktober 2010


This weekend was not really different, after a week at work you just want to relax but still have to do the other stuff for university. So I continued reading and writing stuff and took the time to have some company (besides my dogs), wine and food :-P they came back from shopping when they picked me up so we decided to eat pizza and bought a lot of sweets :-P after that movie as far as I can remember and a lot of wine and for some reason I cant stand more than two glasses but somehow I had a bit more :D
On sunday morning (well, it was about lunch time :-P ) I tried moose meat for the first time and I actually dont like that kind of meat but I have to say that it was really good :-o And for some reason is everybody really into carrying me around haha :-P maybe I should eat more? ;-)
statue of liberty?
So now its monday again and its the last week at school (well, at work) for me, quite sad about it cause I really love this weeks where we're out for work, I feel more and more that this is really what I want to be lateron :) SO I'll just enjoy the last week with the kids :)

girls girls girls

last week I went out for some tea an cake with friends, Elin and Lena.
Lena is from germany and exchangestudent here in norsjö, imagine that people really can end up here so far in the north haha :D yeah, snow will come and very soon i promise, and cold will it be :D
anyway I had a nice time with the girls and I'm looking forward to the next time with Elin *awesome*, Lena *the cookie* and me *terrific* :-P

elin the awesome :D
and lena the cookie :-P