Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010

some kind of resumé

So I finally finished the 20pages-ok, 18pages ;) and will only have to go to university one day next week before I finally have 3months summer !! But first of all shopping on friday and Skulleberget with the dogs and then of course a lot of work in the garden and house to do :)
I hope for some more sun, cause it feels like I start to become pale again :D No I hope not..
was outside with the dogs tonight around 10pm, actually perfect time in summer to do sth with then cause its not that warm then so I guess I'll focus on that, feels stupid to waste the light outside with going to bed or watching tv..
Oh and I'll finally meet some guys I know from norsjö, was so stuck at home the last time that the only time I went out was with my dogs into the woods :-p
In august will my dad visit me, will see if someone else shows up..
So you see, a summer full of work actually, fence, painting, wallpapers, laminate-everything. Hope that finally someone will have the time to install that bathtub.. :-/

Good night everyone,
xoxo, gossip girl *lol* no just kidding, but it would fit quite well even if I never watched it, just always see the preview xD

don't let someone become your everything,
because when he's gone you have nothing..

and the winner is..

! ! ! ! L E N A ! ! ! !

Yeah, well done Lena, I knew it from the beginning-well, the last lets say 2weeks, was not that into your song from the beginning but i started to like it and here's the result, winner of the Eurovision song contest 2010 and 246points !!
I liked Greece as well and Turkey, but it was weird, never thought that England and Norway would be that far away from the top 10.. And while talking about that already, even like last years winner alexander rybak and hardrock hallelujah :)
Funny when she then was standing there, didn't really know what to do or say, she was so astonished :) But I'm glad that Germany won, the swedish girl was cute, pity that she wasn't in the final..

Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010


And here we go, only 5 days left and I feel really stressed, hard to focus and I always have to do sth else cuz otherwise I'd go crazy looking at this text, writing it.. As you can see, lot of books and still some pages left to write, not done with my interviews but thats the easy part and wont take so long to write about, but the rest and its gotta be good ;D it may sound like I'm sick of this text, indeed I am and I have to say that wished to have more time, ordered the books as far as we decided what to write about but they came last friday so one week before its gotta be done and that annoys me..

so then, that was just a short update, something other that is annoying is the weather, its rainy and we have 5°C outside, unbelievable, I want summer and not these ups and downs all the time.. dogs are sleeping as well so my motivation is somewhere else, just not here..
wish me luck :)

Montag, 24. Mai 2010


sorry for not really writing, but I'm quite busy with my text, going good though, it always does when I'm stressed out :D anyway, so not much happened these days, I was just sitting with my computer, went out with the dogs and had a lot of food though xD and fruitcocktails and milkshakes every day, yummi :)
then my grandma sent a package, dogs were excited and waited for me to open, they know that she always send a lot for them as well :D
so one week left then I have summervacation, then it will be a lot of work at home, in the garden, wallpapers, laminate etc. but no university, no books no texts and no learning until 30.08, that feels just great :)
so todays entry ends with a kiss ;)

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010


ten people are reading my blog :D

a view from my bedroomwindow

you may remember the last one with all that snow, now we have green grass everywhere :) again quite hot today, even if its a bit cloudy today but thats good, otherwise it would be even worse i think..

oh and I got that card somebody promised me today ;D was surprised to find it in my mailbox cause it's sent in march (yes believe me, in march). So after 2 (almost 3) months did it finally find the way to me ;D

a real man doesn't love a million girls, he loves one girl in million ways..

thinking about couples, marriage, family, affairs.. i know I'm quite into that issue, I should do some research with that instead of male infant school teachers :-D could write way more pages about that..

Well the reason for that is actually that all of this is and was always surround me.. When I was older I saw everything with, lets say, different eyes-can you say it like that in english? anyway, I noticed that many of these so called "happy families" where (and still are) just an illusion.

Todays couples -especially when they're married- are often only still together because of (my oppinion) 3reasons: money, kids and/or the comfort of having everything.
Why would a man give up his familylife for an affair, even if he might love her (well, I guess only 10% of the men saying it really mean it)? He'd have to pay for the kids, they would get divorced, got to share all the things they have, he'd move out, looking for a new flat, blablabla.

It's way more easier to stay with your family and have fun anyway with other women.
But my point is, even if I just told you all the reasons why they stay, is still the question why? why are these families so "lazy"? Guess the human being is a creature of habit but still..
Its maybe my inexpertness and girly view of it that I would not be able to live with someone I dont love anymore, with a man cheating on my or me being the one cheating but I have to say that I never lived with someone for so many years with kids and much of a fanfare so I may look different on that in a couple of years, who knows..

But don't understanding the men in that part is one thing, the women are another one..
Could you possibly live with a man when you know that he cheated, is cheating? Can you possibly lay in one bed with that person, knowing that he just came back from her, that he's getting intimate with her as he is doing with you?

And here we come to the third part of that story-the affair, the often good looking woman way younger than the wife. Like the husband she can appear in two diffenrent ways: the one that only wants the physical or the one who really fell in love..
How does she feel? Is she a woman without scruples? Or is she just a loving girl, hoping for all the things to come true that he told her? How do you get into something like that? And can you really decide with whom you fall in love? Can you live with the fact of only being the "other woman", sitting there crying from time to time while thinking about the family he's got, knowing that you'll never be that one for him, even if he promised you the pie in the sky? When will these girls finally wake up to move on instead of getting hurt while hoping..

But when she finally did move on, the loving girl, full of hope.. then she can find a way back to happiness and will hopefully be so smart to look for the guy she desevers, someone not married..
Yeah, a real man doesn't love a million girls, he only loves one girl in million ways..

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2010


sorry, need to write some swedish now, not that I'm not doing it all the time but yeah, anyway :P

okeey, är inte alls motiverat och trött pâ uppsatsen, bara tvâ veckor kvar och vi har inte ens gjort sâââ mycket eftersom det finns mycket kvar som vissa rapporter som man inte än har klarat av ;-D dessutom ska jag ha en omtenta nu pâ lördag, herregud jag vill bara ha lediga dagar nu, är sâ less pâ pluggandet eftersom man har ju inte lediga dagar när man pluggar pâ distans, det är alltid lite dâ och dâ, ingen ledig vecka eller helg, man skulle bara resa bort nân gâng.
Visst, man kan ju börja i tid dâ skulle man ha lediga dagar innan inneveckan men sâ är vi ju inte :-P svârt att motivera sig tills man har ett tidsproblem.
Sâ jag ser fram emot och ska fâ godkänt innan jag har sommarlov, även om jag ska göra mycket runt och i huset, iaf ska man inte bekymra sig om uppsatser eller rapporter ;)

nä, nu blire maaat :)
amazing, really hot outside and already in the morning 21°C, why cant it be something inbetween? its so oppressively hot, how am I supposed to learn and write my text? Feel like jumping into cold water..

So then, two weeks left to finish my text and then we have summervacation :)
cant wait, but it will be a busy summer, working in the garden, not that easy to take care of 2000m² if nobody did that for years..
But summer will be gone very soon I think, I mean it feels like just some weeks ago that it was new years eve and now we have may, almost june..

Yesterday I talked to a good friend, was funny, we were just laughing all the time :)
Somehow miss my friends and family quite much right now.. :( and I wont be in germany before movember :( ok my dad is coming in august and another friend will be in stockholm for university august to janaury i think, so at least a bit closer ;)

Now I'll go outside with my dogs :) Hope I can concentrate :-P

Samstag, 15. Mai 2010


Yes, you probably wonder but we really have summer now ;) 25°C today, and now, 22.00 still 18 :) was outside the whole day and the weather is like this since monday..? well, 25°C first today.. I'm not pale anymore *lol* and I was walking around in my bikiniiii :) summerfeeling everywhere, and the dogs love it outside, still wonder why Finouk always wanna be in the sun, its so hot..

Otherwise noooooooooothing new, still working on my stuff for university, started a lot of work in the garden 2 days ago, everything hurts haha, I'm dead, I need some days (better weeks) off, no stress, nobody around, juuuust relaxing..

Have a nice weekend :)

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010

same old story

here we go, nothing changed, still sitting in the sun writing on my 20 pages, dogs outside with me enjoying the sun as well, did I say that we'll have 20°C this weekend? :-o Got always 10° in the morning when i wake up, around 15° during the day and so warm in the sun, I finally don't look that pale anymore :D

have a nice day

Montag, 10. Mai 2010

sun sun sun :)

The great thing about studying on distance is that I possibly can sit in the garden all day long like now, with my sunglases on and my laptop, great isn't it :)

And yesterday evening i started inline skating with Finouk, it was fantastic, she saw these weird things on my feet for the very first time and didn't care at all, we're just running and she was calm and enjoyed it very much, will keep on training now, its not only good for her even for me and the bikini season ;-P

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010

sunny sunday

bbq for lunch today, sunny and warm- well it was better yesterday indeed ;D but still, first bbq this year and thats great. have been out for a walk this morning. Watching tv now and will soon continue with my stuff for university..

Finouk and Kira are just lovely, playing and close all the time, like a family :)
here some pictures

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

tonights news..

just watched that lovely (girly ;) movie with mcDreamy Patrick Dempsey ;) And you see, one of these typical love movies I'm into right now, of course with weddingdress xD
Why do girls actually like those kind of movies? I lost the faith in that "perfect" kind of relationship and love, try to get along with reality of life where trust no longer seems to be the important part, a world full of betrayal and pain.. But its different from before, it was not natural to be divorced and affairs were.. well, guess they handled it different, don't believe in "happy families" doesn't matter when it was ;)
"Once bitten, twice shy" guess it fits me quite well, have been through some stuff and noticed a lot of stuff around me and the people I know.. but still I wouldn't mind that perfect dreamwedding in white and maybe find my way back to faith in true love that last forever.. :)

What am I actually talking? I'm so into weddings right now xD guess its really because of all that happy family and pregnant girls in my course at university, not that I'm under pressure, guess I just think about that more and more, hey I'm going to be a pre-school teacher, why would I not think about family? :) But love is a big word and should be used very carefully, don't say it when you don't mean it..

Anyway, found out that 8 people (!) are reading my blog, its amazing ;D And I think I can say that my dear friend Anne is totally fascinated by that fishes to the right, you can feed them and they follow you xD Please don't be shy, just comment =)

Btw, how do you think about the Eurovision songcontest? I'm really getting into that "Satellite" song from Lena Mayer-Landrut (what a name :-P ) she's gotta funny english :) I really like english xD

ok then, its friday guys, I'm not really up to sth, actually planned to go to Moni tomorrow so Finouk and Kira can play with the other dogs and we could have fun playing cards and drinking some things xD but she's gotta work so we do it the other weekend =) I'll just close my eyes now to dream about sth nice-no wedding though ;-p
Skellefteâ tomorrow, I need a new ring on my right hand now, looks so weird without.. maybe I'll find something tomorrow =) Gosh, ring, there we go again hahaha, I mean a normal ring of course xD
Gosh I should sleep now :-p


..finally arrived ! :) had 8°C this morning and 14°C now, sun is shining and the wind is not cold anymore :) my dogs are sitting in my room (bed), watching outside the window, amazed by the birds and everything else thats moving :-P
Finally weekend even if I dont really see the difference, I'm home every day and I can go out even monday to friday ;D Bought a new grill yesterday and will hopefully be able to test this on my balcony this weekend, snow is gone (on my balcony :-P ) and finouk checked on it today as well, she was quite confused though, was a bit weird to be outside and then so high and far away from the grass and trees :-D
Have a nice weekend everybody !!

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010


bought matching dog collars a while ago, looks good though =)

sick and tired..

..of all that snow ! and we have more snow again, about 10cm this night !!! Aaaahhh, its driving me nuts ! But its sunny so it will be gone soon I think (hope). In the afternoon its time for some shopping, nothing special just daily needs like food for us and the dogs so its Skellefteâ this today =)

Went to the lake yesterday, still frozen but the ice is very thin so I hope that it will be gone soon, waiting for warmer weather, that means more than +10° and sun all day long, without rain-or snow-so that everything can dry.

Dogs are quite calm, taking care of each other-so sweet !

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010

improving my coocking

Today I went to Norsjö to get some new books for my research and when i came home i discovered this peanut butter sauce and decided to improve my cooking =) was quite tasty but the kitchen was a mess though ;) I had rice with chicken in peanut butter cocosauce with banana and peanuts, its nothing special but i actually don't and can't cook so I'm quite proud ;)

The weather is ok, we have sun and around 10°C, snow is kinda almost done besides the snow in the wood or meadows, but I can't complain, the activities of the Eyafjallajökull-it's actually not that difficult to say- got some consequences that we all can se. What was it though? Snowstorm in spain? Flooding on certain island and france i think, winter coming back in europe.. So we don't have it that bad here up north, but still-I want summer ! NOW !
Blä, just saw that my dog was eating a fly :-S

Samstag, 1. Mai 2010


Saturday evening again, but I could finish some stuff for university today so that feels good =) actually wanted to go out for pizza as well for lunch, but I was too lazy, maybe tomorrow :-P

Yesterday I had a walk to Bjurträst with Finouk, they celebrated walpurgis night there, had even some training with her, she's gotta get use to many people and she did quite well, even if too many people are kind of weird, she felt saver behind or between my legs and calmed down when we where a bit away from all that people.

It was funny because I even met one of my kids I had when i worked in december and even march ´09, just love that girl (6yrs) she is so full of happiness and so sweet =)

Btw, did I mention that I'm always dreaming about weddings and own kids? ;D Probably because of all that people from university being pregnant all the time :-P But who's not looking for mister right, a wedding with a wonderful white dress and lovely kids that you can call your own.. :) Will see when reality hits me to realize that it will probably take years before that happen to me haha.. Hee, I don't wanna complain but I'm 21, first you have to meet someone, be together for a while before you move in with someone and 9months of pregnacy, the baby wouldn't exist before I'm 23 or 24, thats ok but then I'd have to meet that special someone soon ;D don't wanna have my first child with 30, haha..

Gosh, should stop thinking about that, it will some day just happen to me =)

Now I'll watch some tv, Kira is already relaxing ;)