Why do girls actually like those kind of movies? I lost the faith in that "perfect" kind of relationship and love, try to get along with reality of life where trust no longer seems to be the important part, a world full of betrayal and pain.. But its different from before, it was not natural to be divorced and affairs were.. well, guess they handled it different, don't believe in "happy families" doesn't matter when it was ;)
"Once bitten, twice shy" guess it fits me quite well, have been through some stuff and noticed a lot of stuff around me and the people I know.. but still I wouldn't mind that perfect dreamwedding in white and maybe find my way back to faith in true love that last forever.. :)

What am I actually talking? I'm so into weddings right now xD guess its really because of all that happy family and pregnant girls in my course at university, not that I'm under pressure, guess I just think about that more and more, hey I'm going to be a pre-school teacher, why would I not think about family? :) But love is a big word and should be used very carefully, don't say it when you don't mean it..
Anyway, found out that 8 people (!) are reading my blog, its amazing ;D And I think I can say that my dear friend Anne is totally fascinated by that fishes to the right, you can feed them and they follow you xD Please don't be shy, just comment =)
Btw, how do you think about the Eurovision songcontest? I'm really getting into that "Satellite" song from Lena Mayer-Landrut (what a name :-P ) she's gotta funny english :) I really like english xD
ok then, its friday guys, I'm not really up to sth, actually planned to go to Moni tomorrow so Finouk and Kira can play with the other dogs and we could have fun playing cards and drinking some things xD but she's gotta work so we do it the other weekend =) I'll just close my eyes now to dream about sth nice-no wedding though ;-p
Skellefteâ tomorrow, I need a new ring on my right hand now, looks so weird without.. maybe I'll find something tomorrow =) Gosh, ring, there we go again hahaha, I mean a normal ring of course xD
Gosh I should sleep now :-p
immer noch so concerned about heiraten etc.... ich versteh wie du dich fühlst. meine oma sagt mir immer, dass sie in meinem alter verheiratet war und bereits beide kinder hatte. aber wenn ich mal so drüber nachdenke - erstens fehlt mir sowieso der mann und ich hab im moment auch echt keine lust auf son trara. zweitens wär ich noch gar nich bereit für ne familie. ich mein, wenn es aus versehen passiert, dann krieg ich das schon hin, aber ich würde mich jetz nich bewusst für eine familie entscheiden.
AntwortenLöschenhast du einen ring verloren? hoffentlich nich den schönen mit dem türkisfarbenen stein?
ja sowas hört man doch immer, aber die zeiten haben sich nunmal geändert, man ist nicht mehr hausfrau und kümmert sich um die familie..
AntwortenLöschenjetzt sofort will ich ja auch kein kind, erstmal zuende studieren :)
ring verloren? nein, nur abgelegt..