Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

day 14- busy busy busy (11.july)

Had a lot to do today. Went first to the dentist, then to this one shopping center to buy some last things, after that lunch in the garden, packing (will send me a package so i dont need to take everything with me =D )

And then tv tower with my grandpa and his girlfriend (it still sounds weird =P ). Took Charly with me (my cousins girlfriend-so many girlfriends =P ) we were sitting upstairs eating on this rotating platform so we could see everything without moving at all, had really tasty cake and some hot chocolate =)

After that a really really short trip to the shopping center next to the tv tower where I bought a teapot and charly CD cover ;) then time to go home. After packing my new bought stuff did I share a pizza with my cousin martin and spent the evening with him watching tv =)

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