Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010


really sick of this boring books, how can you even write something like this? and who wants to read it??? I don't I have to say but unfortunately I have to :( not so much left, only one book and a few pages of the otherone, will try to read as much as possible today so that I can spend the weekend with my darling before the exam next week.

Was not so cold these past days I have to say, we had only around -6° and the same snow left, not that much either but ok by me :-P just not so easy to get out with the dogs and sledge so thats not sooo good but I'll survive I guess ;) Its worse in germany, they have up to -18° and a lot of snow, unbelievable, they always tell me I live at the northpol and now? Look at you haha, colder and more snow in germany as in the north (!) of sweden..

Will be in Arvidsjaur for my mothers birthday, guess it will be fun or I at least hope so haha :D
I actually don't like the christmas time, so many presents you have to buy and unfortunately a lot of my friends and family do even celebrate thier birthday around x-mas :( It's especially hard to buy something for men, I'd always find something for female friends and family but men? Out of ideas :( So if you have ideas let me know ;) I don't have money, but I can give love and company haha :D

So as I already said exam next week and after that a dear friend of mine who is in Stockholm right now will visit me for some days :) really looking forward to this, will be fun and there's finally someone visiting me besides my dad *lol*. Well, I guess I moved too far north ;) But I like it =) and I wouldn't have met certain people I really care about =) And I do not only talk about guys :-D But friends, very kind and sweet friends =) Sure I miss my friends in germany a lot, but I know they're always there for me, doesn't matter how far away I am :) I don't see them that often but it feels good to know that they're there for me when I need them and I give the same in return :) Since I moved here you really know which friends are true friends and who of them was just "there" for a short moment, you don't care that much about these kind of people, I don't need to have superficial friends..
But its a pity with some of them. People you thought were close all the time, people that always cared and listened and suddenly they disappear without reason.. No answers when you send messages, no time for you, always "busy".. That's the thing that hurts most. When you thought to have a true friend that just pop off from one day to the other..
Seems like I have a bad insight into human nature or they're just perfect actors.. Such a shame.. Especially if you really like them and thought they feel the same..
But life goes on and they're just not worth it, as I said, I have friends that really care <3

2 Kommentare:

  1. You know, I´m always there for you, no matter how far away you´ll move someday :)
    And it´s true: Sometimes you are sure you have found great friend who are true to you, but suddenly they just dissapear or hurt you.
    You never know for sure I guess.
    But life goes on and I think you found great people up there :)

  2. yeah i know, and you could really see it yesterday, a true friend is there for you doesnt matter how bad things are :)
    and i'm happy to know that even my friends far away are there for me <3
