greger was probably bored :P |
Woke up 10:30 cause I actually had an appointment 11:00 but he called me and said me I should come tomorrow again :-P I was so tired cause I couldn't really sleep that night, fell asleep around 3:30 and woke up again cause I dreamt something about babies, lol. So I went back to bed, thought I could sleep at least maybe one hour.. woke up around 3pm cause greger came =D So we spent some time home, visited his sister and after that he took me out for dinner :) So totally filled up we bought some chips and movies, watched two of them. First "kung fu hustle" and after that "V for Vendetta". Both very good, the first one very funny and the last one was just good even if I didn't see the whole movie cause Greger was very eager to show me some pressure points !!! Now I've got bruises, great xD but he showed me so I could actually defend myself hehe ;) But I still like him ;) Really love to spend time with him =) But when you're in love, make sure that you don't forget your friends <3
Ok so after some wonderful hours I skyped with one of my beloved cousins and had fun as always =) miss her, a lot <3 hope that I have money for visiting some of my family and friends next summer, I was in berlin summer'09, 3 weeks and it was terrific! just as always. :-*
Christmas is coming closer, only 4 days left, can you imagine?? And I do not really feel like x-mas at all this year :-/ But we'll have fun, sure about that =) will celebrate with greger, his kids and his brother, one day we'll celebrate at the norsjö hotel, lot of cosiness, just how its gotta be <3 So looking forward I have to say, even if I don't really feel like x-mas but it will me days with beloved people, and our first x-mas together, feels kinda good I have to say =)
Ok then, I say good night now, or should I eat more? :-P hmm, we still have cheez doodles ;)
*snowing all day and around -17° today*
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