Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

resolutions for 2011

ok, what do I wanna do better this year? Hm, this is actually not so easy I have to say, and I don't think that you should expect too much, you're just more disappointed when it doesn't work out, so my resolutions for 2011 are quite.. normal? =P
So first of all I wanna become a better student (usch, what a typical silly wish ;), means that I want to be better as a distancestudent, its not always that easy, you need a lot self discipline, I have lets say, enough, but I need to become better =)
Then I want to keep being active, souldn't be so difficult with 2 dogs and hapkidotraining but as you probably self know, sometimes you're just too lazy ;)
Ok whatelse..? hmm, there's nothing else, actually.. I just hope to improve my relationship to a certain person, was a bit arduous these past months; then of course I want that the relationship to my boyfriend last long and of course friendship as well =)
Maybe I should stop with all these cheez doodles haha, not sure if I can, they're just too good ;)

So then, we gonna rock this year =)

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