Mittwoch, 21. April 2010

life's little pleasures..

so here we go again, another day, but it seems to be a good one i just feel great, long ago i felt that good.. =) and now I'm very motivated to read my books and do my stuff for university even if I prefer to be somewhere else right now.. but hopefully soon tihihi, i feel weird ;D but in a good way :-P anyway, so nothing really special today, the whole week will be like this because its university next week, will be funny and I'm quite into everything now, want to discuss everyting with the others =)

yesterday evening was funny, was skyping with my cousin, its his last week at school so they're dressed out different every day, today the guys will be dressed like girls and the otherway around :-P haha can't stop laughing while thinking about my cousin and his friend in dresses *rotfl* and I can't wait to see the pictures :D
the I was chatting until 2 am and then I couldn't sleep cause my head was full of thoughts- don't worry, i was not imagining my cousin in a dress all the time, the thought was a bit weird to think about all the time ;D

have a nice day !!

like an apple on a tree
hiding out behind the leaves
i was difficult to reach
but you picked me

2 Kommentare:

  1. good to know that you didn´t think about your cousin all night long. i think i know what kept you from sleeping ;-)
    honey i love to read your blog!!
    pussar :-*

  2. i dont know what you mean ;D
    thx, the blog is good, you can keep up to date quite well =) really love your blog as well, its almost like being there ;)
    puss o kram tillbaks
