Donnerstag, 29. September 2011


soo, another week hm.. time is just passing by these days :-} Feels like I'm gonna be 30 soon =D no, quite some time left ;-) Could at least drive my toyota to härnösand this time, much better than my mothers driving carton how people use to call her nissan micra =P

Inger was not at home this week so I had the flat for myself. But much to do anyway so no time to be bored I have to say =) Was glad to meet my studymates again and you are more motivated with every time you are here =) the problem is just the weeks inbetween =P

So yeah whats new? not much, a lot to do as always and still intresting, even though i was not that motivated the week before but you all have times like that =) reading/math learning, some funny lectures and chats, expensive food and sun ;-)

On wednesday did we have a workshop where we could create material to increase and help the learing of language, the understanding of the context.

annas biggest fear? =P

 Today we had to entertain a group of children, well ok, we teached them something =P about the old ways of math, how the romans, egyptian and so on, we dressed up like them and showed them, really funny =)

coffee (well, tea and cookie) break ;)

And math at the second part of the week, always a pleasure these days ;) still impressed that the mathteacher knew my name from kinda the second day he met all of us, and we are about 80 students =O

Ok then, last lectures tomorrow untill 12.00 and then its time to travel homewards again, with my toyota ;) Will even take Maria with me up to Umeå, so company half the way =)

this weeks quote by my studymate theres: "is she still alive?" "no i dont think so, this was in the 70ies" =D

Oh here a few pics from my photoshoot in umeå last month, sooo many pics actually, but dont feel like uploading them all and some are not really something I want to share with the world wide web ;-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hej ho gumman!
    War mal wieder da zum Lesen und Fische füttern ;)
    Dachte ich lass dir mal nen Knutscher da! :-X
