Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

time is just passing by..

Gosh, on tuesday i complained that time is just not passing by and weekend so far away and now its almost friday and i didnt even do all this stuff i wanted to :-P

My timetable is neither working out that well haha. Most of the time i get out of bed around 10 and start studying after lunch. But i am good, i do study up to 9pm most of the time then, sometimes midnight.

Still it feels like that you just long for the weekend, then its over so quick and then you long again, and during the day you wake up and long for the evening to sleep and have another day passed.. so weeks are just passing by so fast, months, years.. amazing hm. Why is it like that? Why do we not live for the moment and just enjoy?

Aaaanyway, drifting away again :-) life feels quite good now but all that time passing made my studyingtime pass so quick as well and i am done next year :-S time to start to work but i like studying..

Hm. Will see :-) now i say good night, will try to start a bit earlier tomorrow ;-) and then its weekend soon hihi. Miss my <3 as always :-) hard to have him away during the weeks but no money without work. And even if its harder some days, so is missing someone sth good, you appreciate the otherone more i guess.. every time you see becomes more special.. and the feeling to be back in his arms again, see his smile and just be close.. its just wonderful :-)

Night guys! Have a nice weekend :-)
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