Dienstag, 20. September 2011


Have internet now again, ordered a mobile broadband, the otherone is still not working and I am so sick of it, especially cause they want me to pay anyway -.- yeah whatever...

Skyped with Lisa direclty, was so nice to hear her voice again and I'm so happy to have her by my side. Even if she is so far away does she always stand by my side with advice and lovely words or things that make me laugh when I'm sad =) ♥

oh and this was so amazing yesterday, I drove to my mother for some dinner in the evening and saw the moon on my way, so amazing how orange the moon was :O

And cold outside these days, had around -3* some night ago o.O winter is coming..
Ok back to studying, not really coming anywhere and so much to do before next weeks trip to härnösand. 

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