Montag, 12. September 2011

weekend-time to enjoy instead of studying?

My weekend was quite calm and i spent it most of the time with greger-what a surprise :-P it was rainy and around 13*, the sun only decided to come out some hours on sunday..

On friday.. let me think, so long time ago :-P went to greger and watched him playing a cardgame on playstation called magic, then some studying the last day of the week :-) in the evening did we take gabbe and some wine to sleep at my place.

Gabbe decided to wake up something past 7 on saturday :-P got him some of my old toys to play with and then he was standing infront of the tv with the remote, dancing to some kidsprogram while i made some breakfast. After that another gaming day :-P while gabbe had his nap did i decide to do the same, didnt miss so much and sleeping is something so wonderful :-D becca and i made some dinner then, we could even get our two gamers away from tv and computer to eat sth ;-) after that we watched ice age and played worms togehter with some beer and wine :-) they (well ok, greger :-P) even tortured me, cause my legs hurt like after a really long week of training xD
walked home with spike and it was fullmoon, me like :-) went to bed early, i think the wine was too much ;-)

So for some reason did i sleep quite long on sunday, missed a lot of the short sunny time cause i woke up 11, but had a walk with spike outside :) around 16*, was nice :-) then some cleaning and again no training, where is everybody? :-(
Today greger teached me how to play this cardgame magic, so in the end did we both sit and played it together :-P liked it and its always more fun to do sth together :) sun was gone then, bought some supper and later in the evening (after several maches of magic =P ) did we celebrate johannas birthday with a cake that becca made and some wine, unfortunately did i forget to make a picture, but it was really tasty and looked great :-) even if she worked all day do i hope that we could give you a nice evening :)

All in all a cosy and calm weekend just how i like it :) and now, another studyweek ;)

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