oh boy, just realized these days that I have so much to do, and now only one week left to read all my books and write thousand of pages =( a bit stressed out. Unfair, everyone else got vacation here ;-( Had some extra training as well, we trained tuesday to thursday every evening, my leg still hurts but yeah, just gotta do that. Graduation in the end of may, everythings gotta look perfect =)

Had a nice break on wednesday, spent my time with Lena, checking out the new "café 56" here in norsjö and had some ice cream while sitting in the sun. She was really excited cause her parents where coming this evening =) Figured out that the new pirates of the caribbean 4 is coming here in the middle of may so we're going to watch it =)
I'm studying all day and just get dizzy of it, but I have to keep going, only one month left and thats not that much hm? But soooo much to do :-( And the guys just ate all of my ice cream =D So I needed to buy chips so that I at least have something ;-)
Yeah thats pretty much it, now easter, feels like I actually should study every day but I guess it will just drive me crazy then, so will see. A bit of everything =)
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