the week started very normal, didn't do much besides studying, walking outside with the dogs, eating and sleeping =D monday evening did I spend with my friend Lisa who lives in Leipzig, so we skyped some hours, was great as always :) tuesday it was training as normal, then I had some "social hours" with johanna and greger, joel was there as well, but left after he got coffee and food haha :P so we watched a movie, waterworld and got all a massage :D I massaged greger and johanna, after that I got one as well =D life is good sometimes xD

Wednesday I spent with Greger and Gabbe, Johanna went with some friends to Lycksele for shopping and then to her parents with Gabbe. So I for the very first time in weeks I got out of bed 7.30 !! =D So I had a walk with the dogs and after that I went to Greger. So I played with Gabbe, we watched some tv and then we went out for a walk (Greger included, was a mistake as I noticed lateron haha, he certrainly doesn't like to walk AT ALL cause he thinks that it doesnt make sense, there's no logic explanation what it would be good for, you could take the car instead xD anyway, haha... Later that day we watched a movie and I was a sweet girl and gave him a foot massage ;) then a nap and dinner =D After I gave Gabbe delight with a book that can make animal voices (his favorite word now is "Mooooh" ;) I went home and continued studying (9pm, can you imagine ? =P

Thursday was a normal and boring study day, had a long walk with the dogs again and then I actually just spent the time on my sofa reading books and thinking about my stuff for university that I have to do. snowing all day long, blä.Ufortunately I checked some flats on the internet then, impressive how fast it becomes midnight =D
Friday I went to Johanna to work on my tasks for university, she's the one with babybooks and.. a baby =D so I used her for some stuff ^^ then we watched movie, had dinner with greger and becca then, after that relaxing before training, lots of people this time ! after that I went with johanna out for a walk with spike and bitz, was cold though, next time warmer clothes =D after that time for a love movie "the holiday", becca could persuade greger to get away from his computer to be sweet with me, cause we're making fun all the time of how wonderful it would be to have such an romantic perfect man as they always are in movies =D
view from johannas flat |
Ok I didn't really manage to do all I wanted to do this week, so I may have to do more this weekend ;) 2 wks left before its time for university again :)
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