Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Pink Floyd

can you believe, Roger Walters is coming to sweden (well, everywhere ^^ ) summer 2011, "the wall" live :) that would be great to go there... but I just checked, haha- one ticket from 119€ to 319€ (!) depending where you wanna sit xD and dont forget the trip to stockholm :-P
good that there is x-mas and my birthday hahaha :D

*ha! just checked sweden (that were the tickets from germany) and there you only have to pay 86€ for economy :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hej gumman!
    Das sind ja gute Neuigkeiten - der Gott live! ;)
    Hab jetzt auch nen kleinen Blog -ist noch nicht ganz fertig, aber vielleicht möchtest du die erste Besucherin sein?
    Puss o kram!
