Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

4. Advent

Can you imagine, Christmas next saturday? Time is really just passing by, but having fun I have to say =) Had my mathtest on thursday and it went very well, in the afternoon I drove to Skellefteå to pick up Greger and Tobbe from work/school, then back home for a cosy evening :) He had to work the whole weekend so he left friday morning again.

So I used the time for studying, Becca and Tobbe stayed at home with me :) Saturday evening did I drive to Skellefteå to see a movie at the cinemar, Greger invited me :) Sherlock Holmes, really good one, and handsome Robert Downey with british acent ;-P After that I drove home again, this time with company, Ricke was in Skellefteå at his brothers place so I picked him up and we went home to Norsjö with the same car.

So Skellefteå on sunday again to get my car =P Stayed a while at his brothers place before I went home again. Was snowing all the time, must be all the snow we actually were expecting in september..?

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