Samstag, 5. November 2011

last time for university this year :-)

Time is just passing by its almost terrifying, will be christmas soon and then only some months left untill summer.. o.O
Tomorrow I will travel to Härnösand one last time for this year, then a lot of more books to read and some tests to do, will hopefully finish everything in time so that I can enjoy christmas in beloved company =)
Right now am I just hoping that time will pass even faster for today, Greger is working the whole weekend so he is just coming home in the evening and leaves something around 5 in the morning. At least someone to cuddle with in bed, and no dog =P well, they are still laying in bed as well, this night I guess I had 10% of the space in the bed- 10% for the dogs and 80% for guess who ;-)

Ok lets try to study a bit more, and fix some dinner then, 5hrs left :) Then its time to leave norsjö for a week around lunch tomorrow, see ya!

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