..are far beyond my way of understanding.. caring so much about others life, even think that they actually know how you live it and what you should do, even seem to know why others are doing certain things.. those people obviously got enough issues themselves..
Reason why i am writing this is because i got a really weird comment i have to say-of course no name. And i really dont understand how this person really thinks to be so well-informed about my life and actions? Not that i actually care but i just dont understand. Fine, some people obviously think my life is more intressting and they act as if they would care but common.. dont get into thinks you only assume to know about.
And just for the records, i didnt colour my hair for someone else haha, i did it because i have been blonde my whole childhood and if you would truly know me you would have been able to figure that out yourself :-) and i am certainly not running after others, i am happy with both myself and my life and i have people who fill my days with pleasure, i have certain people that love me, that mean a lot to me and actual friends that actually care and actually are there if i need them. So i need no anonym comments, can you not say it to my face or at least a name behind it- let it be. Take care of your own issues cause i wont waste energy on people like this, i got rid of my energythieves and am surrounded by positive and caring people ♡
way too much that i actually waste a whole entry on you :)
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