This weekend we finally made it to Moni, she is also from germany and moved here to sweden- one big difference: she's got over 30 dogs :D They own a huskyfarm where you can go on huskyadventures in summer and winter. They have puppies right now so as you can see, I almost left with anotherone haha :D no I'm kidding, I'm fine with Finouk (bought her there as well) and Kira.
We arrived friday around lunch time, she just came back from work and was busy-well she always is, who wouldn't be with so many dogs? :)They're amazing, how do they manage it? I just don't know but just as I said, I'm pretty amazed by the way they fix everything..
Here is one of probably a thousand puppy pictures, I just cant get enough of them, so cute :)I even helped Moni to feed the dogs, and I have to say its not so easy :-P
After feeding them (and us, we had cake instead of dogfood) the dogs had time to play as well, Finouk met her best buddy Hugo again, they're actually related, they have the same father :D I didn't know...anyway..
But not only Finouk even Kira had the chance to play with the others, they were quite interested cause she just had her heat (do you say that in english, dunno haha. So I had to follow her a bit to make sure that nobody tried to have some "fun" with her :-P they tried anyway but they had no chance xD
It was even Finouks first day in the tent but she trusted Kira as she always did and just followed and fell asleep. Yeah, everybody is tired after playing :)
And the day after she learned swimming, and she found out pretty fast that she actually can. Even here its good to have an older dog that shows her.
ok guys, thats it for today, dont really feel like writing but will see if there is something more to write about some other day ;)
good night
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