Samstag, 3. November 2012


oh boy, cant remember the last time i spent so much money on clothes, i think i actually never did haha. Can i use "someone forced me" as an excuse? :D but  i have to admit i am quite happy ;)

So, i bought 2 dresses (the white one only 50:- (5€)!) , one jeans, 3 skirts (30:- each!), tops, tights, nailpolish and shoes that actually cost 1000:- but i said that some stones are missing (you actually dont even see it) and he said "I will make you a good price then"... 600:- haha, nice one ;)

So tonight i will go out in härnösand, first time i am here over a weekend so lets see how that will be, funny i suppose :)

what a month actually.. spent so much money haha, now i wont do it for the next 12 months :P

have a nice one!