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Freitag, 31. August 2012
moving forward
fall is here, rainy, kinda cold and grey.. you cannot really enjoy being outside anymore..
so this week i went to get me a job :-) it will be way to stressy with a fulltime job now this next months with my exam and everything so i am a substitute teacher now for preschool and german in higher classes.
had to do this IT course today for this program where you fill in when you're free and then you get a textmessage with suggestions and say either yes or no. allready got my first job on monday! :D
so thats feels good, will make some money and get into work so will easily have something when i am done with school in january :-)
tomorrow i will go to norsjö to spent some time with my dear people :-) and i will lock myself in an study :D
feel good as a blondie btw and its hopefully growing fast ;) quite long actually now if you compare with before :)
have a nice weekend!
Samstag, 25. August 2012
good bye life!
the weekend after university is quite calm, spent the time with my beloved and try not to think about how stressful it will be untill x-mas, last studysemester than i am done! :-)
here a pic of me anf becca hanging around with nothing to do ;-) got my doggy back to cuddle with as well and fixed my own place in norsjö so i have a place where i can stay when i am here :-)
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back to the roots
omg, i did it :-P must be like 10yrs ago last time i was blonde, and now i did it :-)
its still a bit orange cause i somehow had a bit red in my hair for whatever reason, dunno, but i will fix it some day :-)
took me a while and the first day i really wondered why i did it but now i am fine, like it more and more each day :-)
so now i am swedish? :D
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Donnerstag, 23. August 2012
today is the last day in härnösand for this week, feels quite ok so far but it will be a lot of stress these next week up to christmas but then its over! :D Got my last week in here week51 so right before christmas. If I work really hard and make everything right so can i just relax and wont have anything to do afterwards :-) So no boring christmas please =D
Going to norsjö for the weekend and on monday i will just run around from preschool to preschool to get started with my examwork. Writing about different cultures in preschools and how the teachers handle it, do they have other traditions in mind for the foreigners or do they only have typical christmas and easter celebrations as the majority of people have?
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Montag, 20. August 2012
i'm not mainstream, i'm special ♡ instead of iphone, beFunky and photo grid instead of instagram, pink floyd instead of justin beaver.. i guess the only mainstream lable i follow is converse :)
and still- i am fucking adorable ;)
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sleepless in härnösand
i really dont know what it is but for some reason i cannot really sleep
the whole night in härnösand and it has been like this from the very
beginning almost 4yrs ago.. constantly wake up between 3 and 7am.
was sick of it so i got up 7am, read some stuff to prepare the day and then i went to buy some breakfast and necessary things for the week. so i got fruits, sweets and drinks now ;-)
living at the hostell is quite ok but you really hear everything. right now someone 2rooms next to me got a phonecall and it sounds like she is outside my door.
anyway, got like 5min to university, store and city so i wont complain :-)
was sick of it so i got up 7am, read some stuff to prepare the day and then i went to buy some breakfast and necessary things for the week. so i got fruits, sweets and drinks now ;-)
living at the hostell is quite ok but you really hear everything. right now someone 2rooms next to me got a phonecall and it sounds like she is outside my door.
anyway, got like 5min to university, store and city so i wont complain :-)
time to get ready soon and get all my stuff together, start at 10 :-)
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Samstag, 18. August 2012
Ok then here we go, off to university tomorrow :-) had some tuff days before because they just took me out of the course for some mistakes so felt like everything was just shitty but the fixed it thank good :-)
And then you allways have these special people in your life that makes you feel better and cheer you up ♡ so thanks for hugs and realistic thoughts when i was really down :-*
Made me think a bit and it felt like its time for some changes so i was looking for some jobs for some extra money to live and travel :-) even got directly one interview when i am back from university.
So leaving tomorrow, finally i will see some of my mates again :-)
Have a good one!
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Freitag, 17. August 2012
lovely day..
... with Anna! :-) first at the beach for some hours sunbathing and swimming (and eating cookies ofc :-P ), then i helped her to built up their new bed, after that early dinner and some wine :-)
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Donnerstag, 16. August 2012
So it was time for a todays outfit again ;-) summer was kind of not really here this year but the past days it feels like summer arrived :-) really hot and sunny outside so here we go
HM shirt with print, HM shorts, VIA PAVIA flip flops and hair in a ponytale, way too hot :-)
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Montag, 13. August 2012
daddy's here
Had dani and my father here for some days :-) was really lovely, we took them to torgnys summerhouse, quite of a tradition by now, and a lot of whisky ;-)
hanna and family came as well, so bbq, sauna and jacuzzi the whole friday. Some had kind of a hangover the day after ;-)

So saturday was quite calm, and after a lovely dinner did we had some funny hours and even went for a drink in the city. They left sunday after lunch, unfortunately way too short visit :-( but germany in october, hopefully :-) In the afternoon i had to get rid of all these beerbottles ;-) after that i went to the hospital to visit ricke who is there for some stomach problems. He feels better though, must be the morphine ;-) Ok then, one week left then its time for university again :-)

So saturday was quite calm, and after a lovely dinner did we had some funny hours and even went for a drink in the city. They left sunday after lunch, unfortunately way too short visit :-( but germany in october, hopefully :-) In the afternoon i had to get rid of all these beerbottles ;-) after that i went to the hospital to visit ricke who is there for some stomach problems. He feels better though, must be the morphine ;-) Ok then, one week left then its time for university again :-)
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Dienstag, 7. August 2012
mixed feelings after this weekend!
What a weekend?! Was good most of the time, met folks i know from stockholm, friends from germany and enjoyed the sun.
Had fun going out on saturday at norsjö beach but unfortunately you always get lots of rumors after you going out in norsjö..
Sunday was quite slow then, could get myself to our german friends (hanna) for dinner, was lovely. Spent the monday with hanna before we left to skellefteå again.
Jaja, now i am looking forward to thursday, my dad and dani will come for a long weekend :-)
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Mittwoch, 1. August 2012
Love my clip extensions :-) easy and fast whenever you want. Not that happy with the colour though, the last one was exactly my haircoulour, for some reason i have a bit of red in my hair dunno why though.
So if you want long hair without paying much for doing it use clips, friendly to your hair and you cant see the difference if you get a good colour :-)
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