after that i had coffe with greger and joel at johannas place. Here you see joel having fun :-P
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so then, a long weekend with 4days off :-D we dont have so many plans, will take it slow i guess? some stuff for university. we still have some snow left but it looks promissing sunny this weekend and we have around 0/5* brr.
so happy easter to all of you :-) what are you guys doing?
Last week i came home from work and my flat looked like THIS !!! i guess spike was bored and lucky hin, he was quite ashamed as well, he was hiding under the bed and didnt came out all night ;-)
Great movie! incredible how good quality and special effects movies have nowadays :-) it was in 3D so you really get the feeling of being just a few meters away from the actual happening. If you have the right glases of course ;-)
I guess that snow white movie will be good as well, and john carter was a good movie too :-) so get to a cinema and buy som popcorn! :-D
Seriously, i was just getting mentaly prepared for spring, snow melting, sun shining and around 7*.. then i woke up one morning and saw this???!! it was snowing! and it didnt stop! it even got worse, -10* during the night? yeah well.. Not that happy but ok then, cant change it..
Spike is really great by now, he can stay at home when i am at work without standing infront of the door annoying the neighbours ;-) but he alway replaces my shoes haha
now i am in bed ready for a new and short (and hopefully warmer) week. Friends from germany will come next weekend so that will be funny :-)