Sonntag, 4. September 2011


So here we go, last day of the weekend :) woke up early and was kinda done with a lot of things before 9 :-O so what to do, what to do ;-) not that much actually, studied and watched a movie, then it was actually time for training but it was only me and joel so no training :-(

Went to my neighbour ricke instead, was about time, quite a while ago, his flowers where on their way to die :-P so i was nice and gave them some water :-P

In the evening it was time for dinner again, greger, becca, tobbe and i were invited for dinner at my mothers place, mexican foooood, hmmm :-) unfortunately not that long because he had to fix some stuff and leave for work already today or in the night.. but it was nice anyway :-) got something in my eye though and it doesnt wanna come out :-/

So now cuddling with spike and some tv, tomorrow i will start to study, made my very own timetable ;-) and will try to do things only during the week so i can have weekends free :) so tomorrow, 8-17 i will be a good student studying ;-)

Good night folks and have a nice week :)
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