Samstag, 18. September 2010

09.09.2010 girls eve

Sorry I'm a bit lazy at the moment but I promise that I'll keep you up to date and not just weeks after it =D

Bitz och Zpike
So I spent time with Johanna again, we're kind of coming through all these movies by watching one or two when I'm there, but I guess we'd have to watch several movies every single day, but I can say that this is just not possible ;-) But first of all we went out for a walk with her sweet babyboy Gabriel (6months by now) and Greger's dogs Bitz and Zpike. After that it was time to watch Idol and make some food, and for all you out there who don't know, I'm not the best cook I have to say :-D But I somehow managed it. Well I have to say it was not that difficult to make pancakes but it still was my fist time :-P Well they were not that bad, so after way too many pancakes we were quit filled up and watched a movie (gosh sorry, I really can't remember the movie, neither the name =D
But it was funny, that's what I can remember and thats the point isn't it-to have fun? ;-) And I have to say that it's always funny with her, nice to have some company and to watch good movies, and even food :-P The dogs where laying on us all the time, they're very cosy and sweet and if they look at you with their big brown eyes.. hmm, you can't resist :) I really can't imagine a life without dogs anymore =) So as you can see, it was a funny evening as always and I guess I'm improving my cooking, I'll may open a restaurant haha, omg better not *lol* It's enough to manage days, weeks and months, I'm not really the cooking type so I hope that my future husband or whatever can cook because I can't. Poor kids, I've gotta marry a rich guy as well so that I could take them out for dinner every day :-D

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